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Utzon Center

Slotspladsen 4
9000 Aalborg


Phone: +45 76 90 50 00
CVR: 30 27 94 41

The Utzon Foundation

The Utzon Foundation was established in 2006 in connection with the opening of the Utzon Center.

The Foundation carries only the following two main activities, and all inquiries about Utzon's work and use of his material has nothing to do with The Foundation.


1. The 2800 m2 Utzon Center, which is rented out to Aalborg University and the Utzon Center

The Utzon Foundation is solely responsible for the building, including its rental and maintenance.


2. Can Lis was acquired in 2011 with the intention of protecting the house and making it accessible to the public.

The Utzon Foundation's managing board is responsible for all activities concerning Can Lis. The Utzon Foundation works with the Danish Art Foundation's Committee for Architecture to select recipients for the working residencies.


Read more about Can Lis here.