On the 16th of October 2018 the competition will be launched in Sydney with Utzon partner, Vola at the premises of the Australian/Danish engineering company, Steensen Varming, which collaborated with Jørn Utzon on the construction of the Opera House.
On the 4th of December 2018 the competition will be launched in New York in the offices of the Danish architecture firm, Henning Larsen. In attendance will be CEO Henning Larsen, Louis Becker (Design Principal), Lasse Andersson (Utzon Center), Troy Conrad Therrien (Curator of Architecture at the Guggenheim Museum) and Kenneth Frampton (Architectural Theorist and Professor at Columbia University) who has written about, and with Jørn Utzon.
October 16th, 4-6 pm.
Join Steensen Varming, VOLA, and Utzon Center for the launch of Utzon Unbuilt: a new yearly prize competition in architectural visualisation for creative talents under 40.
Venue: Steensen Varming Studio, Level 8, 9 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000.
R.S.V.P. by 3rd of Oct 2018 to nj@utzoncenter.dk.
November 26th, 4-6 pm.
Join DAC, MT Højgaard and Utzon Center for the launch of Utzon UNBUILT, an introduction to MT Højgaard's VDC-Lab, a small workshop and a tour in the Utzon100-exhibition Horisont.
Venue: Danish Architecture Center (DAC), Bryghuspladsen 10, 1473 Copenhagen
Entrance: Free, but please sign up here →
December 4th, 4-6 pm.
The Utzon100 talk is moderated by Lasse Andersson, Creative Director, Utzon Center.
Venue: Henning Larsen Office, 250 West Broadway, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10013.
R.S.V.P. by 28th of Nov 2018 to nj@utzoncenter.dk.