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Utzon Center

Slotspladsen 4
9000 Aalborg


Phone: +45 76 90 50 00
CVR: 30 27 94 41

Who can participate?

The Utzon UNBUILT competition is open to anyone under the age of 40, whether a student or a professional in the field of architecture, design, animation, architectural technology and construction, engineering etc. Both individual and team entries are welcome and multi-disciplinary teams are encouraged.


To enter the competition a registration is required before the submission of the project.


Deadline for registration is the 21st of February 2019

Deadline for submission is the 22nd of March 2019


To ensure anonymity, no names of entrants are allowed on any part of the submitted material. Each file should in stead be marked with the 5 digit number chosen by the entrant and stated at the registration.


You are permitted one entry only (as an individual or as a team).


There is no fee for entering the competition.