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Utzon Center

Slotspladsen 4
9000 Aalborg


Phone: +45 76 90 50 00
CVR: 30 27 94 41


Extended deadline for registration - new deadline is the 21st of February 2019.


Only individual or team entrants who have registered for the competition no later than the 21st of February  2019 can participate and submit their project.


To register please send an e-mail to including the following information:


  • First name and surname (of only one entrant)
  • Date of birth 
  • E-mail address
  • Phone number
  • Nationality
  • Profession
  • A 5 digit number chosen by the entrant


There is no fee for entering the competition.



To ensure anonymity, no names of entrants are allowed on any part of the submitted material. Each file should in stead be marked with the 5 digit number chosen by the entrant and stated at the registration.