
Utzon Center

Slotspladsen 4
9000 Aalborg


Phone: +45 76 90 50 00
CVR: 30 27 94 41

CREATE23: The Urban Space of Tomorrow

Jul 6th 2023 to Aug 20th 2023

More life and endless nature. We need to develop Aalborg and other cities and towns to make room for people again, and create solutions to the climate problems we’ll be facing in the future. Come and see this year’s exhibition featuring work by students of architecture and design at Aalborg University.

A ‘good city’. What do we mean by that?


Come and find the answers in CREATE23: The Urban Space of Tomorrow.


Every summer, the Utzon Center collaborates with students from Aalborg University on an exhibition. This year, the students have created towns and cities with oases and experiential spaces – for people.


The aim is to create peace and tranquillity in residential areas regarded as unsafe, to engender awareness of resources, and build greener towns and cities that also protect the climate in our coastal areas. 


A city should be for everyone. The students present projects where people and life can regain their foothold in towns and cities. They will inspire visitors to tackle future urban climate problems. 


Some students have focused on combatting urban noise pollution. They have transformed a square, Nr. Uttrup Torv in Nørresundby from a cacophonic hell on earth to a lovely place to spend time in. 


Others have come up with ideas on how, on the basis of very simple interventions such as lighting and planting, to change congested urban areas into more attractive residential neighbourhoods. 


Meanwhile, others have created projects to show what we can do when, within a few decades, the water rises around Aalborg and other towns and cities. All we need to do is take advantage of it, using the water to create nature that connects the city and the fjord. 
The exhibition features a total of 19 projects from future urban planners and architects, all of which will inspire us to create better towns and cities. And attract nature, life and people back to our urban spaces.

The exhibition has been developed in collaboration with Aalborg University. Thanks to H+H Nordics A/S for sponsoring materials for the exhibition.

In collaboration with

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