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Utzon Center

Slotspladsen 4
9000 Aalborg


Phone: +45 76 90 50 00
CVR: 30 27 94 41


Utzon Center in Aalborg is the Nordic center for architecture and design. Get in touch if you need an expert statement or background knowledge about Jørn Utzon, his life, architecture, design or one of his many buildings.


Utzon Center is the owner the Utzon Archives that consists of original photos, travel videos, sketches and much more made by Jørn Utzon. We can help you find material that can supplement your story.


Press inquiries

Christina Holm Hansen

Press officer

Phone  +45 2932 9867




Line Nørskov Davenport

Director of Exhibitions

+45 25 20 03 88

  • Line is trained as an architect from Aalborg University and holds a ph.d. from Portsmouth School of Architecture. She is an expert on Jørn Utzon, his travels and his architecture. 


Malene Abildgaard

Director of Development

Udviklings- og formidlingsdirektør

+45 31 97 16 10

  • Malene is trained as an architect from the Arkitektskolen Aarhus. She is an expert in children, architecture and play and author of several books. 


Exhibition press releases


Utzon Center images


    Jørn Utzon

    News and Press Releases

    English translation unavailable for Utzon on the Road: Nyt talkshow om arkitektur.
    English translation unavailable for Lasse Andersson ny leder for Kunsten og Utzon Center.
    English translation unavailable for International ros til Utzon Center: Aalborg på top 20 over de bedste små-byer i verden.
    English translation unavailable for Jaguar og Utzon Center i nyt samarbejde: Med Jørn på bagsædet.
    English translation unavailable for Ny international arkitekturpris uddeles på Utzon Center.
    English translation unavailable for Utzon Center i nyt samarbejde med italienere.
    English translation unavailable for Utzon Center henter kommunikationsansvarlig fra DR.
    English translation unavailable for Kæmpe fremgang for Utzon Center.
    English translation unavailable for Børn bliver rumforskere på Utzon Center.
    English translation unavailable for Hele verden kender Utzon Center.
    English translation unavailable for Utzon Center åbner YouTube-kanal.
